[ä] hot (ᅡ)
[ə] double (ᅥ)
[a] apple/educate (ᅢ,ᅦ)
[ē] in/he (ᅵ)
[ô] want (ᅯ)
-Lyrics By G-Dragon & Teddy
-Composed By Teddy & G-Dragon
-Additional Rap Written By T.O.P.
Na ChēnGooGä Nē YaGēLeulHa
Jo-äBoYətDän Märla GwanHē HwäLeul Na
əJjəMyən äJēkDo Nä Ddama NēGä
HēmDeuləHäGēl BäLatNeunJē MolLä
YoJeum GäGgeum NäDo MoLeuGa
WooLē GätChē JeulGyə DeutDən NoRaLeul Ha
Yat Choo-ək-a JämGēn ONeul GäTeun Närl
ēYoo-əpSē BoGoSēpə JēNeun Bäm
GeuDdan NaGä NəMoo əLyəSə SäLäng-ē əLyəWôSə
Nərl PēHäLyəGoMän HatJē
Nän BooDämē DwatGo BoolMänē DwatJo
GgeutNa NəLeul WoolLēGo
ONeulē JēNäMyən Nən SäLäJēl MənJē
SäLäng-ē MônJē
Nä SeulPə Bo-ēnDäMyən
Na NoonMoolEun YənGē ChoomChooNeun YənGē ChəRəm
Na-ēl-ēMyən Ddo äMooLətChē änKa
HäLooGä SēJäkDwa Nərl ētGo Särl GatJyo
GeuJə NēGä HangBokHa JēGēl NäNeun
ēGoSaSə NämäSə WooSeuMyə Bēl-əJoolGga
HokSē Gē-əkHäNē WooLēDeul ChəEum MänNän Närl
SoonSooHän MēSo GäDeukHē Sauvignon Blanc
Nərl HyängHän ēYoo-əpNeun SoonJong
DdaLon GəChēm-əpDən ChoongDol
ēByəlē WoonMyəng-ēLän HyənSēl äpa Na NäJēMäk BoonNo
MätChēm DeulLyə ONeun radio-aSə
GongGämDwaNeun SäYən
JēGeum Na MämGwä DdokGätDäMyə
HokSē NēGä äNēlGgä SangGäkHäDä Jämē Wä
SēGäEun Chäm BbärlLēGä Nən Järl ētSeulGgä.
GeuDdan NaGä NəMoo əLyəSə SäLäng-ē əLyəWôSə
DoMängChēLyəGoMän HatJē
GyərlGook BooDämē DwatGo BoolMänē DwatJo
ēJan NeuJəBəLyət JēMän
ONeulē JēNäMyən Nən SäLäJēl MənJē
SäLäng-ē MônJē
Nä SeulPə Bo-ēnDäMyən
Na NoonMoolEun YənGē ChoomChooNeun YənGē ChəRəm
Na-ēl-ēMyən Ddo äMooLətChē änKa
HäLooGä SēJäkDwa Nərl ētGo Särl GatJyo
GeuJə NēGä HangBokHa JēGēl NäNeun
ēGoSaSə NämäSə WooSeuMyə Bēl-əJoolGga
ənJanGä GēLeul JēNäDä
WooLē DäSē MänNärl GeuLən Närlē OnDäMyən
Geu ənJanGäNeun SəRo DäLeun SäLämGwä
HangBokHän MoSeupEuLo WooSeulSoo ētGa. So long.
ONeulē JēNäMyən Nən SäLäJēl MənJē
SäLäng-ē MônJē
Nä SeulPə Bo-ēnDäMyən
Na NoonMoolEun YənGē ChoomChooNeun YənGē ChəRəm
Na-ēl-ēMyən Ddo äMooLətChē änKa
HäLooGä SēJäkDwa Nərl ētGo Särl GatJyo
GeuJə NēGä HangBokHa JēGēl NäNeun
ēGoSaSə NämäSə WooSeuMyə Bēl-əJoolGga
A friend of mine talked about you.
Said you looked good when he saw you. I’ve got cranky
without reason.
I probably want you to still have a hard time to forget me.
These days, without realizing it, I sing songs that we had listened together.
A day like today when I’m locked into the memories, I miss you
tonight without reason.
Back then, I was too young, love was too hard.
All I tried to do was avoiding you.
It had become a burden and complaint.
Finally, made you cry.
After today, you'll be dust that would be disappeared.
What is love.
If I look sad my tears are acting just like dancing smoke.
But tomorrow as if nothing had happened
another day would start and I'd live a life without thinking about you.
I just want you to be happy. That's all I want.
I wish your luck from here with a smile.
Do you still remember the first day we met?
Filled with pure and innocent smile. Sauvignon Blanc.
Absolute obedience toward you and
sometimes a confrontation without hesitation.
Facing the destiny of separation, my last rage.
When I heard a story that matches to mine on the radio,
I thought it's identical what I have in my mind right now.
I fell a sleep while
I'm thinking, ‘could it be you?’
Time goes by really fast, wonder how are you doing.
Back then, I was too young, love was too hard.
All I tried to do was running away from you.
Eventually it had become a burden and complaint.
But it’s too late, now
After today, you'll be dust that would be disappeared.
What is love.
If I look sad my tears are acting just like dancing smoke.
But tomorrow as if nothing had happened
another day would start and I'd live a life without thinking about you.
I just want you to be happy. That's all I want.
I wish your luck from here with a smile.
Someday if there’s any chance that we ever see each other again on the street
That someday with another love by our sides,
hope we can smile at each other happily. So long.
After today, you'll be dust that would be disappeared.
What is love.
If I look sad my tears are acting just like dancing smoke.
But tomorrow as if nothing had happened
another day would start and I'd live a life without thinking about you.
I just want you to be happy. That's all I want.
I wish your luck from here with a smile.
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