Thursday, March 29, 2012

[BigBang Theory1] THE TRUTH about [Fantastic Baby Music Video] & G-Dragon/Daesung Incidents

The popularity of BIGBANG with its new mini album [ALIVE] is exploded in pop music world.
Its outstanding quality on both musical and visual creativity & uniqueness is simply sensational.
Along with the popularity, the number of newcomers to BIGBANG is increasing dramatically.
Then, I noticed some misunderstandings on ‘Fantastic Baby m/v’, like they have agenda for Satanism, pro war (riot), racist lyrics…so on.
The plot of "Fantastic Baby m/v" is very obvious for BIGBANG fans who have been following their whereabouts, but not for the newcomers. Hopefully this post can help who doesn’t know or confused about some important facts on "Fantastic Baby m/v" and what had happened to BIGBANG in the past.

Original comments made by skdusdmsql / Modified & translated by gtfluffy 
Many thanks to skdusdmsql !

0:07  Smudge around GD’s eye --> 1) smeared by his tears, 2) black eye: GD’s suffering.
         Lyrics - “everybody come over here / let’s get together”--> getting BB members together.
0:15  Signs of "Stop music, Stop singing, Stop dancing"--> oppressive situation.
         Riot police --> Anti-forces (authority and unfairly negative/harsh public opinion...)
0:27  The crowd with white masks is VIP (BB fanclub).
0:36  Throwing Molotov Cocktail (symbol of resistance) at the stop sign --> ignite music to start.
0:46  VIP vs Anti-forces.
0:56  ~ 1:08  Fight between VIP & Anti-forces.
         Dirt on GD’s body & filthy bandage on his torso --> Distressed & wounded GD perceives the situation helplessly.
1:09  GD finally pulls himself together and stands up by the support of a cane.
1:14  TOP inside of art work --> he’s been involved in works as an actor.
1:21  TOP out of frame --> set aside his acting job to join BB as a commander (he’s the oldest) to fight.
1:26  Tae was frustrated that they had to retreat but sit tight and wait patiently with VIP.
1:33  Daesung chained in a dingy basement kind of place --> devastating situation.
2:04  Finally, VIP broke down the wall --> victory against anti-forces.
2:17  Seungri persists in saving BB in spite of being enticed into solo act (seductive girls around).
2:42  GD Looking down --> afraid of facing negative public opinion.
         Leafy pattern on his lips --> weeds (marijuana).
         Black and white --> he did it but without knowing it. (questions remained whether he is framed or not and many suspicious circumstances)
Bright, crispy perfect-white outfit from head to toe  --> his innocence.
3:03  VIP supports falling Daesung --> eventually saved him.
3:25  VIP now takes off masks and celebrates BB’s comeback.
         Lion mask dance --> ritual for good luck.
         (Korean Traditional Lion Dance performed during the lunar new year celebration to scare away evil spirits & beckon good luck: Bukcheong Saja-nori 북청사자놀이)
3:55  Vivid colored outfits and crowns --> Still Kings
         Gloomy atmosphere (dark back ground and modest, shabby thorns) --> uncertainty & anticipation

 [Articles Related to GD & Daesung Incidents]

< G-Dragon, Kwan Ji Yong >
=Oct 5, 2011= A spokesperson for the prosecutors’ office stated: 
G-Dragon is not a regular smoker of marijuana and this is his first time smoking it. Also, the amount of it he had in his system was too small to lawfully rule it a positive drug test amount of it he had in his system was too small to lawfully rule it a positive drug test.

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=Aug 29, 2011= After reviewing the case, prosecutors decided that there wasn’t enough hard evidence to determine whether or not the motorcyclist Hyun had been alive or deceased before Daesung ran him over with his vehicle. Also, they did not rule out the possibility that the motorcyclist, who was under the influence upon the time of his death, could’ve died from the initial collision with a streetlight.
Based on the above information, they rendered a verdict of ‘not guilty’ for the beleaguered Daesung

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